Monday, January 9, 2012

The path of self discovery....

I have been thinking about terms like reinvention, self discovery etc, if they really exists. I never know your true potential until you discover it yourself and i amazes you, when you really discover it... Everyone gets the opportunity to explore one's inner core, but very few people actually do it. A very few dare to come out of their comfort zone and try out a new experience. How does it really occur to oneself? Sometimes a spark is required to ignite your inner core. These spark could be an adversity or a rejection or a crisis. And when it occurs, it brings a significant change in your life. Let's take the Earthquake analogy. Like a large earthquake is generally preceded by a series of foreshoks (small earthquakes) ? And sometimes these foreshocks are realized and sometimes not. By and large, every mega event occurs with some sort of prior signal. Certainly, these mega events bring mega changes. For example, a large earthquake can drastically change the landscape. All depends on how good are you in reading these signals. Sometimes we read these signals and ignore. Sometimes,we just can't sense anything. Sometimes we read the signals in advance and take proper action. Early detection of these signals helps you to better handle the mega change that's going to happen in near future. Now, the consequences of this mega event could be a life changing experience. It can left you completely high and dry or it can take you a step further towards your goal. Lance Armstrong the racing cyclist won the Tour De France seven times after surviving a testicular cancer. He didn't let his cancer crisis to win over his will power. That doesn't mean that the adversity is over. Life is full of challenges. And at each mega event, you are on the verge of a step change in your life. If you choose to face the challenge with courage, there will be positive step change in your life. Imagine you are at the edge of a mountain, from there you can either fly or fall. So, anticipate the step change, in fact look for them always as they bring some exciting opportunities.