Monday, February 21, 2011

Into the Wild......

Have you ever thought of doing this? I mean, give up everything, donate all your wealth, give up every relationship and then enter into the wild world far from human reach. But, I couldn't digest the idea of going to a wilderness with no objective, no goal and finally die. Yesterday I watched '' into the wild '', which kind of blowed me. Why watched a movie knowing that it is slow, depressing and not entertaining? Well, I don't know the answer. I'm like a crazy!! Big adventure!! Although, I didn't cry after watching it, the movie proved to be one of the most depressing movie as some people said.

I picked up some beautiful lines from the movie:

'' If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, the possibility of life is destroyed ''. This statement is very true. If you want something in life, we should reach out and grab it. The core of man's spirit comes from new experience. Finally, this experience needs to be shared. '' Happiness only real if shared''.

I really loved the movie. Try it out if you are brave and watch it in solitary !! I'm sure, you won't be disappointed, if you have a taste for movies.